Golden Blood Circulation
รหัส : GD0045
ยี่ห้อ : Golden Herb Thailand
รุ่น : Golden Blood Circulation สมุนไพรปรับความดันต่ำสูง
ขนาด : 950 mg.
จำนวน : 100 แคปซูล
US. FDA Registration #15804355864
Product Details
This group of herbs work from the bloodstream to the heart and arteries and out into the veins. All herbs work together to equalize the blood pressure (whether high or low) bringing it into a suitable systolic/diastolic balance. Blood flow is life itself. This formula assists blood-purifying teas to work more efficiently which will aid in the clearing up of allergies, etc. All encapsulated products are in a pure 100% vegetable based capsule.